Welcome PVS Families!
Our PTO’s mission is to enhance the learning environment of students by providing educational services to families and raising funds to meet the needs of the school community. We believe...
- Any amount of volunteer time you can give makes a positive difference in the lives of children at PVS.
- Organization, efficiency and leadership are the keys to successful PTO initiatives.
- Volunteer opportunities should match the time constraints of today’s busy families.
- Identifying school needs will steer the PTO fundraising efforts.
- We value the sense of community by promoting the development of friendships and personal growth opportunities in leadership.
We want to promote an educational environment where teachers can do their best work and students can do their best learning. We hope you will join us in our efforts and become an active member of your child’s school!
PVS PTO 2024-2025 Executive Board
President | Amy Allgeier |
Vice President | Emily Halley |
Treasurer | Angie Hollingsworth |
Secretary | Abbea Robinson |
Principal | Amy Allen |
Preschool Director | Andrea Contestable |
PVS Volunteer Opportunities
Primary Village South is such a special school in large part due to the hundreds of volunteers who make a difference here each year! We welcome parents, family members and local community members who would like to offer their time and talent to enrich the lives of our students, teacher and staff. Whether you choose to take on a specific role or just help as needed, we greatly appreciate your support!
PTO Open Positions
Please complete the PTO Volunteer form HERE if you're interested in filling one of these positions for the 2024-2025 school year. A PTO member will be in touch with you.
- Winterfest Volunteers - Held in December, our biggest fundraiser of the year requires volunteers in a variety of roles on many teams including Community Outreach, Frosty Shop, Refreshments, Decorations, Teacher Raffle, and volunteers the day of the event. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please complete the form here.
Academic Volunteer Program (AVP)
This program supports our learners and assists teachers through a variety of positions. At PVS, the AVP Program supports our Art room, Classrooms (including Math and Literacy blocks), Library, Little Elks Cafe, and Nature classes. These volunteers must complete an online form, complete a background check, and attend a building orientation.
To learn more about the AVP Program through Centerville City Schools, please visit the website HERE.
If your are interested in participating in this program at PVS, please contact our AVP Co-Coordinators, Corryn Chini and Molly Kara at pvsavpcoordinator@gmail.com .
Other Ways to Volunteer at PVS
Interested in helping but not able to take on a specific role? Want to offer your time on an as-needed basis? No problem! Please complete the form HERE and let us know your availability to help with other special events throughout the school year.
Additional volunteer opportunities will also be posted throughout the school year through ParentSquare, "The South Scoop" messages, and on our social media sites.
Centerville City Schools utilizes the Raptor System for all volunteers to ensure safety in our buildings. Please be sure to bring your government-issued ID to check into the system upon arrival.
PVS PTO Meetings 2024-2025
Our PVS PTO meets on the second Tuesday of every month (except for December and May) at 7:00 PM in the PVS Library. All PVS parents/caregivers are welcome to join us each month as we collaborate to plan events, share ideas and feedback, and help work together to help support our teachers and staff at PVS!
PVS PTO Meeting Minutes
Click below to see the agenda and notes (minutes) from each of our PVS PTO meetings for the current school year:
Join the PVS PTO
We welcome you to join the PTO any time throughout the school year! Membership is valid from July 1 to June 30 of the current school year ('24-'25). Membership dues are $15 per family and funds are used to enrich our students, teachers and staff, classrooms and the PVS community in various ways. All members have the ability to vote in our PTO meetings, as well as receive a PVS school directory.
Membership dues can be paid via Venmo, via credit card on the PVS PTO Square Site, or via cash or check made payable to the "PVS PTO".
Purchase a PVS Peace Shirt or School Supply Kit
PVS Peace Shirts are a fun way to help your child show their school spirit and participate in our many "peace rallies" throughout the school year! Peace Shirts are $15 and are delivered to your child at school. These short-sleeve cotton t-shirts are available in sizes Youth XS-XL, and are optional to purchase. Purchase a PVS Peace Shirt here.
School Supply Kits are a convenient option to the traditional school supply shopping list at the start of a new year! Rather than shop for your own supplies, let the PTO provide your child with a complete kit filled with the exact items on their list. School Supply kits are $35 and are delivered to your child at school. Purchasing a kit is optional and is a complimentary service provided by the PTO (not a fundraiser). Purchase a School Supply Kit here.
Ways to Support PVS
Kroger Community Rewards - Scan your Kroger Plus card and automatically donate to PVS every time you shop! Click below to link your card to our organization, "Centerville Primary Village South PTO".
Link my Kroger Plus Card to PVS PTO
Raise Right Rewards - Shop online for gift cards and earn funds for PTO with every purchase. Follow the link below and use enrollment code 9DE8SIJB4DV8.
Dorothy Lane Market Good Neighbor Program - Shop at DLM and earn funds for PVS with every purchase! Clink below to link your DLM shopping discount card to our organization, "Centerville Primary Village South PTO". Don't forget - you need to re-enroll every year!
Winterfest 2024
Please join us at PVS for Winterfest on December 7, 2024 from 9:00 am until 1:00pm!
Winterfest is a PTO-run fundraising event for our students, staff, and families. We currently have openings for volunteers on the following committees:
-Community Outreach (prior to event)
-Frosty Shop (day of event)
If you're interested in volunteering, please reach out to our Winterfest Chair, Kelly Wright, at PVSWinterfest@gmail.com .